Data Engineer and Analyst at Headout

Building data models, compiling data sources, and working on product data structure to analyse growth.
Dec 2021 - Present

Data Scientist at Regulatory Genome Project

Developing machine learning models to classify text and extract data from regulatory information. Project led by University of Cambridge.
Jan 2022 - June 2022

Moderator at Manning Publications

Moderating titles on Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Science, Algorithms, UI/UX and Data Structures for the livebook section of Manning Publications.
April 2020 - Present

Summer Research Intern

Working on extracting negative datasets for PPI prediction using novel methods and integrating deep learning to assess the performance under the guidance of Dr.Piyali Chatterjee.
May 2022 - Present

Lead at Developer Students Club, NSEC

Leading a team of 5000 student developers under the program of Developer Students Club by Google. Forming teams and delegating tasks, working together to build technologically smart solutions for the betterment of the society and beyond.
August 2020 - August 2021

Mentor at Winter of Code

Mentored for Noted under Developer Students Club NSEC and organized the event as the lead at DSC NSEC.
Nov 2020 - Jan 2021